Tuesday, May 14, 2019

WKAL 1450 Art Interviews : Ilse, the Fairy Grandmother

This morning I visited WKAL 1450 Radio in Rome, NY. 

Today Rocco Garro interviewed my friend Alice Dennis, a very talented artist who specializes in puppetry.  (hear interview starting at around 2:00:00 at the bottom of this page)

She was talking about her upcoming appearance as Ilse, the Fairy Grandmother, this weekend, at MAYFAIRE on the GREEN, in Holland Patent. You should really check it out!

 Ilse, the Fairy Grandmother interview starts at around 2:00:00

I will be visiting WKAL to take photos of art-related interviews - it's always good to have visuals to go with their great LIVE streams. Watch here and on our Facebook page to see more in the future! Special thanks to Rick Weltz and WKAL for allowing me to share MORE art!